Monday, December 5, 2011

What Worked... or Not

At the onset of this New Social Media class I was caught up in the energy of learning how to maximize Facebook to promote acceptance and equality of LGBTQ people. I created the page Moms For Equality in October of 2009 as an attempt to move my cause away from my personal Facebook page. That was successful for a time, until I began school full time and completely dropped posting any relevant information on a regular basis there. The page was severely neglected through 2010 up to September 2011. Thus, I had high hopes of revitalizing and growing the Moms page.

I appreciated the guidance in getting clear on the mission and focus of the site. I noticed that whenever I strayed with posts that were not relevant to my focus, the likes and reach were minimal. The converse held true. There was a surge of views as well as shares, extending the reach, when my posts were focused, consistent and clearly relevant to the mission of the page.
The new insights offered by Facebook are extremely "insightful" and as John said, keep you from "cheating social media."

As stated at the beginning of the class, consistency is king. This is the area I will do much better as class ends and I have a much better grasp and understanding on how and what to post on a regular basis. My goals are to revive blog, which will in turn stimulate response and growth in both Twitter and Facebook. My goals also include becoming more connected to Twitter and utilizing it on a regular basis. Linking Twitter to Facebook and uploading the Twitter app on my phone is an easy fix for accomplishing that end. I have also experienced the incredible power of YouTube and I am committed to producing video to post there and on my blog.

I am grateful for this class for bringing me the information which translates to confidence in expanding my message of hope, love and acceptance on a global scale. It is most exciting!
Thank you Eric for encouraging me in the midst of what has at times felt like oppression at Dixie State. You are a beacon of hope and have helped me find my voice!

Below are the metrics for the Facebook page. I chose to post the screen shots because they make more sense to me and tell the story in a snapshot.

Beginning Overview:

Current Insights:

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